Mir ist aufgefallen wie zutreffend manche Zitate von Dr. House sind.
Er ist sarkastisch, abgrundtief böse, depressiv, allein und unsagbar treffend.
Wobei ich mal von mir behaupte, dass ich nicht sarkastisch, abrgrundtief böse, depressiv und allein bin.
Aber das was er sagt, passt irgendwie.
Bringt mir ein wenig Gefühl von Verbundenheit.
"They didn't break me, I am broken."
"I like being alone. At least I convince myself that I'm bette off that way."
"Wanting to believe the best about people doesn't make it true."
"Memories cause Love. Love kills."
"Everybody lies."
"Things chance, doesn't mean the get better."
"You know, words can hurt."
"Do you know what it's like to actually need someone?"
"I'm fine. I'mjust not happy."
"Maybe you don't wanna die, but you don't care if you lived."
"This is your brain. Use it!"
"There is not a thin line between love and hate. There is, in fact, a Great Wall of China with armed sentries posted every 20 feet between love and hate."
"People's brains stop working, when they think they're gonna lose someone they love."
"Nothing can hurt my heart. Except of another heart."
Und nun ein grooooßes Danke an meine beste Freundin für diesen wundervollen Tag, den wir heute miteinander verbracht haben! ♥